Our impact is felt locally in our home community of Monroe as we help those who need it most. One of our Rotarians shared this story:
“After my son and I delivered the gifts and breakfast to the families to their homes that could not get to us due to the weather and no local taxi service being available. I must share with you the unbelievable gratitude that was expressed by one of the families. It literally made my son and I cry when we delivered your gifts and breakfast to one of our family’s that live in the trailer park near Stop and Shop. The children literally jumped up and down for the breakfasts and could not say “Thank you” enough. The mom cried and asked me to pass on to all of you how very much she appreciated you all helping her and her family. The response was the same with the others for certain…but this one family was so incredibly and genuinely appreciative of the kindness that you all made happen, that it moved me very much. Being in the position I have, I am able to see what many do not. I want you to know that each and everything you folks do, has an impact on families…and especially children, that one day they will likely pay forward due to the kindness they received when it was needed.”
Denise G. December 6, 2020